One of my dreams is to someday fly faster than the speed of sound in a supersonic jet. That’s 761 mph. Crazy. Blake Scholl in Northern California just got to do it, his is a story of resilience, skill, and never letting a closed door stop him:
(Bloomberg Businessweek) — Blake Scholl just kept turning up. For months, he would rent a plane in Silicon Valley, fly himself to California’s Mojave Air and Space Port, and get a table at the Voyager restaurant, a well-known hangout for modern-day aviation mavens. Scholl would sit for hours, listening to conversations and introducing himself to pilots and engineers from aeronautics pioneers…

… the results of Scholl’s scouting missions and subsequent years of hard work will be revealed to the public. His startup, Boom Technology Inc., founded in 2014, will unveil the completed version of its XB-1 supersonic jet. While only a demonstrator prototype designed for a single rider—the test pilot—the plane represents a milestone in the pursuit of superfast air travel.
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